Plush Beauty Therapy

335 Main Street Lilydale 3140
Call to book: (03) 9737 6147
Phone bookings only.
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  • Hydrodermabrasion

    1 hr

    Hydro dermabrasion uses a unique dermabrasion applicator-handheld nozzle, which combines diamond dermabrasion with hydro dermabrasion to clean, exfoliate, extract, and hydrate all skin types. The micro-droplets of water infused with elixirs strike the skin and remove any dead skin cells quickly and efficiently without any pain. Hydro dermabrasion is fantastic for all skin types. It improves circulation, exfoliates, removes congestion, and softens enlarged pores and fine lines, among others.

  • Phone bookings only.
    Call to book: (03) 9737 6147