Initial consultation for new patients on their first visit to Harmony Chinese Medicine and Osteopathy Kew. Consultation can be up to 45 mins which include indepth patient history and treatment. Treatment can include traditional needle acupuncture or painless needle free acupuncture
Consultation for patients on their return visit to Harmony Chinese Medicine and Osteopathy Kew. Consultation for up to 30 mins which include indepth patient history and treatment. Treatment can include traditional needle acupuncture or painless needle free acupuncture
Initial consultation for new patients on their first visit to Harmony Chinese Medicine and Osteopathy Kew. Consultation includes in depth patient history, acupuncture treatment and granulated herbal extracts ready for consumption, no boiling required. Herbal supply is typically for one week. Additional herbs may be required depending on individual conditions. Additional herbs will incur further costs.
Consultation for patients on their return visit to Harmony Chinese Medicine and Osteopathy Kew. Consultation includes in depth patient history, acupuncture treatment and granulated herbal extracts ready for consumption, no boiling required. Herbal supply is typically for one week. Additional herbs may be required depending on individual conditions. Additional herbs will incur further costs.